Friday, 10 February 2012

...and breathe!

Very quick blog post today, just to share with you the news from my scan - no sign of cancer cells anywhere!!! This is the best news we could have had and, while accepting the usual caveats that accompany such pronouncements, I feel incredibly relieved and immensely grateful, to the dedicated and skilled doctors and health care professionals, to our wonderfully supportive friends and to my amazing husband and children, without whom I would have been floundering every day.

I still feel a bit numb, to be honest. It's as if the news hasn't quite sunk in. I think I had prepared myself to deal with bad news, rather than good, so I don't quite know how to deal with it! In the absence of any other plan, I have resorted to the tried and tested glass of fizzy (and very nice it is too!). We're going out for a celebratory dinner shortly, but I think there is room for reflection too, given what's happened over the past year. Time to think about what is precious and valuable to us, perhaps.

I do feel as if I have been holding my breath for the past goodness knows how long and finally, finally I can let it out. It's a good feeling.

Live life, love life.

(any spelling or grammatical errors are the result of unaccustomed intake of alcohol!)


  1. :) Smiling from ear to ear here. :) Great news.

  2. we've all been holding our breath with you Ali, tis the best fabtasticist news ever xxxxxx having a glass of wine (or a few) in celebration :) Now, less of the running training please, I'm starting to fret LOL xx

  3. So happy for you - what wonderful news!

    (By the way I've posted about your LB award)

    1. Thank you and thank you! I feel very touched by my LB award and by your kind words:-) I shall pay it forward tomorrow.

  4. So pleased to hear this ST, look forward to seeing you soon
