I have been a busy little bee today, although you wouldn't think so if you were judging it solely on how tidy my house is!
I sorted out a whole load of paperwork for my accountant, which included downloading loads of invoices and bank statements etc. I filled in my pain questionnaire for a research study I am taking part in, updated my cv and drafted some covering letters, submitted my invoice for a little piece of work I did before Christmas, emailed some ideas for our facial palsy support group, made some enquiries about possible project work, did the food shopping and made a chicken and chorizo casserole. Phew! And in between doing all those things, I saved the world :-)
It did me good to do lots of tasks today, some of them things I had been putting off for a while. apart from feeling I have achieved something, it augurs well for my returning to work, if I can concentrate for most of the day on working through stuff. I do feel almost ready to return, not full-time but on the same basis I used to work, two or three days a week. The big question is - will there be any work for me? Public sector finances are even more tightly squeezed than when I stopped working last year, so I may be living the life of leisure for a while yet!
Being busy also helped me forget about the feelings of sadness and anxiety I talked about in my last blog post. In fact, I had a little cry today because I just felt I needed to get some of the sadness out. I felt better afterwards (it was a fairly genteel sobbing, not a snivelling snotfest) I went to an exercise class this evening, which also helped. Consequently, I feel much better this evening than I have the past few nights.
Onwards and upwards, my friends! I am sitting on the sofa opposite my lovely husband, who is sorting out some walks for us to do this weekend when we visit the Lakes. Life is feeling pretty good.
A domestic goddess! :-)