Friday, 20 January 2012

Oh yes!

Quick update on my visit to hospital today.....

Appointment was for 11 o'clock, so I trundled up to the Reception desk at about quarter to 11, thinking it might be like last week, when I had barely sat down before I was summoned by the nurse. Sadly, this week was totally different. I sat down, started reading and then, after about half an hour, one of the receptionists announced over the PA system that my clinic was running approximately 45 minutes late. Well, we all know that what that really means is that it will be at least an hour after your appointment time before you are seen! I don't have a problem with this, because I always think that doctors should feel they can spend as much time with a patient as they need to, without worrying about keeping other patients waiting. I might be that patient who needs extra time with the doctor one day and I wouldn't like to think the doctor had to hurry through my consultation just in case other patients got....well, impatient!

The problem with waiting today was that I was a bit anxious about getting my scan results from last week, so waiting even just a tiny bit longer was making me a little antsy! I managed to text Neil a couple of times and he calmed me down, told me to get a cup of tea and to try to relax. I did my best to, with reasonable success.

I finally got called through at about quarter to one. First off, I have to be weighed to check I am not losing any more weight - I'm not. I seem to have stabilised, which is good. Then I was shown into the little consultation room to wait for the consultant. Luckily for my blood pressure, she was with me within a couple of minutes and obviously realised that I needed to be told the outcome of the scan very quickly, because as soon as we had said "hello" to each other, she said "Good news - the scan was clear" - phew! I know that the likelihood was that it would be, but it was great to have it confirmed officially and to let that nagging worry drain away. Next milestone is the PET CT scan on Monday 6th February, which will be reviewed at the MDT on Wednesday 8th and the results given to me on Friday 10th. This is the biggie - the one which would show up any microscopic nasty cells which might not be spotted in a CT scan, ultrasound or physical examination. Fingers, toes and eyes all crossed for that one!

Today was the farewell to the colleague from Tower Hamlets, whom I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. I wasn't able to go to it - and to be honest, I don't feel I knew him well enough to turn up and it might seem a bit macabre - but I had a quiet moment when I thought about him and his family and the new reality to which they are now adjusting.

The rest of the day passed off uneventfully, with a trip to Ikea (delayed from last week!) and a cup of tea and slice of millionaire shortbread to celebrate my news, in the company of my minister.

Life is precious and I really, really appreciate mine. Today's news just emphasised how much I want to live as healthily and long as possible (not that there was any doubt, but I'm sure you know what I mean!). Rubbing shoulders with your own mortality reinforces the desire for life and makes you realise just how much richness you have in your family and friends. I feel very blessed with the people I have in my life.


  1. Hey

    you do what feels right for you
    Am impressed you are getting a PET scan, not universally available for all cancers in Wales

    1. b-z, it's not usual practice so I feel extraordinarily lucky that I am having one. I had one just before my surgery last year, because the medics were still unsure that this was the primary cancer and they still haven't stated conclusively that indeed it is!

  2. Great news x
